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one's head的讲解 - stand on

推荐人: 来源: 秒知社 阅读: 1.24W 次

我们再看一下用法,stand on one's head作为倒立的意思来使用,例如在下面这两个句子里,If you feel like crying, stand on your head,In this way, the original flow of tears,will not flow out, have you learned?如果感觉要哭,那就倒立,这样,原本要流出的眼泪,便会流不出来,你学会了吗?Perhaps the stand on your head was too long,the action was a little stiff,just turned the fight into a stumble,也许是倒立的太久,动作有点僵硬,硬是把打挺变成了栽跟头,在这两个句子中,stand on one's head都指的是倒立的意思,stand on one's head这个短语你学会了吗?

stand on one's head的讲解